In March 2016, join Humber College Lakeshore for a series of heritage tours and online exhibitions.
Explore the campus grounds which are historically connected to an Ojibwe Anishinabe trading path, the former Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital, and the now-extinct passenger pigeon.
MARCH 20, 2016
12:30PM - 1:30PM
2:30PM - 3:30PM
Online exhibitions will be available at www.lakeshoregrounds.ca
To join a tour please register online here. Tours begin at 19 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive, just a short walk south from the Kipling and Lake Shore Blvd. W intersection in Etobicoke. Meet in Building L, which is the large glass and grey building near the Humber College TTC bus stop. If you require accessible accommodation for the tour, please contact Tara Mazurk at [email protected] or call 416-675-6622 ext. 4451.
*Shuttle bus offered from downtown to this location. Register here.